
Daniella Kim N. Nilo

Equitech Scholars

Daniella Kim N. Nilo, Pangasinan (Philippines), is currently an undergraduate pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering (BS ECE) in Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She is also a student member of Stanford’s Code in Place community (Batch 2021) which fueled her passion to become a Data Scientist and an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Researcher. She is particularly interested in AI Image Recognition applications and Climate Change research on Mining areas, Marine biodiversity, and Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Daniella believes that as an EquiTech scholar she can further develop her cognitive and technical abilities as well as her moral and ethical values in the field of technology. Since attending the GSI program, she feels that her education is a continuous process that can’t be exclusively measured based on the amount of knowledge and experience gained, but also in the application of it to solve real-world problems.